Who is Ana Corrochano?
Ana Corrochano studied architecture in Madrid and in Rome. After graduating in 2007 she worked in London. Cape Town was her next step where she has been living and working since 2009.
Madrid demonstrated that every corner of a public space can be used and enjoyed. In Rome Ana experienced the effect that a magnificent space can have on people and how it connects them to something greater than themselves. In London she learned the importance of sunlight, open public spaces and how to use them in a multi-purpose way. Cape Town served to confirm how nature improves the beauty of a city, and the quality of life of its inhabitants.
From the Metropolis to the rural areas, from Europe to Africa, people might live differently but the quality of the space is always achieved by 4 things: natural light and ventilation, optimum orientation, a balanced proportion, and the relationship between the landscape and the surroundings.
Building on these fundamentals, diverse architecture is the key to linking people’s needs to the built environment and the complex world we live in.
In 2004 and 2005 Ana worked as an urban designer at Ezquiaga Architectura, Sociadad y Territorio, in Madrid.
During her stay in London she worked in health care buildings at Avanti Architects in 2007 and in mixed used buildings and offices in Central London at Alford Hall Monaghan and Morris in 2008.
From 2010 until 2016 she was a project architect with Antonio Zaninovic for several high end residential projects in the Cape Town area. From 2017 until 2020 she joined Fusion Architecture as a Partner and Director working in high end residential projects and offices. In 2015 she founded Ana Corrochano Architectural Design which is currently her main focus, working in high end residential, hospitality and cohabitation projects and as a consultant for design projects and developments.
Since 2012 she does yearly guest lectures at UCT and in 2014 and 2015 she was a part time lecturer of Design & Theory Studio at the same University.
Ana Corrochano is a registered Professional Architect in South Africa.
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